The application window is now closed!

Please check back soon for announcements about future opportunities to join our team

Click here for a recorded information session to learn more!

Please follow our Linkedin page and visit our contact us page to stay updated about our recruitment cycle.

What we can do for you

Through consulting engagements, we empower our members to realize their career aspirations by honing their transferable skills for guaranteed success.


How we will do it

Roadmap to success.png

We invest in the success of every member by providing opportunities for training, professional development, and leadership every step of the way. Our members have the potential to be managing projects within 6 months of initial training.

Membership FAQ

Who can join 4RS?

All graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with appointments at universities in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area are welcome to apply to 4RS. 

What qualities do you look for in an applicant?

Our ideal candidate has a desire to gain experience outside of their classical training, strong leadership experience, and a demonstrated interest in business. 

What is the typical time commitment for 4RS?

When on an engagement, we expect our consultants to devote 8-10 hours of time per week to that project. These engagements typically last 6 weeks.

Is prior business experience required?

No! While prior business experience is always appreciated, we provide training opportunities to all of our new members to familiarize themselves with business concepts, principles, and strategies. 

My question is not listed here. Whom can I contact?

If you have additional questions, please visit our Contact Us page.