Fourth River Solutions is a group of ambitious Ph.D. candidates and post-doctoral fellows in STEM, translating our skills from cutting-edge academic research to real world business solutions.
We strive to serve our members, our clients, and everyone in between.
In the news:
Listen to 4RS CEO Nicole Martucci on TechVibe Radio:
4RS announces partnership with Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse:
The mission of 4RS is to generate high-quality deliverables for our clients as well as to provide experiential learning for our members. We are proud to be partnering with PLSG to do this better than ever before.
“The overall goal for our partnership with Fourth River Solutions is to provide a steady flow of high quality projects for highly trained STEM PhDs and PhD candidates to provide experience in the business development and commercialization of life sciences companies,” said James F. Jordan, PLSG President and Chief Executive Officer. “In return, the PLSG has access to highly trained and intelligent consultants who can help us provide quality business development and commercialization support to early stage life science companies in the region.”
Read the full news release here.
A local entrepreneur shares her experience with 4RS:
One of our clients had the brilliant idea to write a blog entry about her experience working with 4RS, and she had many wonderful things to say. Here is just one snippet.
"My experiences working with a consultant, especially as a solo founder were incredibly helpful in that they forced me to think versus relying on what I think I already know to be true. There was a lot of back-and-forth communication. We really worked together to fine tune both my needs and the desired outcome."
Read the full blog entry here.
4RS on TechVibe Radio:
Redfining the PhD: Driving Change from the Bottom Up - TEDxUinversityofPittsburgh - Fourth River Solutions CEO, Saik Kia Goh helps us understand why graduate students can't find jobs right away and how we can change that for the future.